GIGGLE'S Devon Rex

We do not have our cattery open for visits when having kittens, we put health managment first, always, and we hope for your understanding in our policies concerning to limit health risks and stress for all cats in our cattery. 

Health pressure and what a visit induces:
Working with living things means agreeing to work with viruses, parasites, fungi . . . and all of this can be treated, all of this can be resolved, all of this can be contained / limited! but it comes at a price . . .

A financial price, a price in time, a price in physical, mental, moral efforts. You don't see this because breeders never talk about it.

But know that this is the other side of the coin and that we, breeders, especially cat breeders, work very hard all year round to reduce health pressure in our catteries.

Why are we closed:

Because you may not know it but, you can carry viruses, bacteria, fungal spores on your clothes, on your skin, under your shoes. And in a breeding facility, like in a movie theater, it can quickly turn into a cluster and a disaster!

Stress management:
You do not realize it, we do not always realize it ourselves as breeders but every event that is out of the ordinary generates stress in cats. Small, medium, large stress, the cat is a very sensitive animal that can react intensely to an event that seems insignificant to us.

A change in litter scent can cause uncleanliness in some cats. . . so imagine the stress of a mother who is forced to have a new visitor every week in the nursery because they need/want to come and fiddle with her babies!? 

Our commitment towards you as a future buyer:

we update the litterpage almost every day, show the progress and development of each kitten in the litter, we show you all cats in the cattery and their enviroment in pictures as well, in no way we try to hide from insight of our home, instaed you should be aware that we are closed for the priority of the health of our cats and kittens.