GIGGLE'S Devon Rex

Blacktortie agouti harlequin and white, DRX f 21 02, 

a little praline that we just fellt in love with the first time we saw her, she will arrive in Mars/April and we are looking forward to show her in our comming show season from July 2025 

Thanks to you both, Helena and Marianne of S*FIDDLESTIX for this gem, and to you Katarina.

DNA testing will soon be carried out

Traits :
no gene for CMS (known as spasticity)


Liberika Dianis*RU

DRX f 03

photo, Marianne LUND


Heron Kokeshi*PL

DRX d 09 24

photo, Sussi ASTNER

IT* KCH Laureline degli ELFI (Elli)