GIGGLE'S Devon Rex

Estimated cost for a year with your kitten

# Litter, count around €100 per year.

# In terms of health, costs are to be expected including vaccination booster,
worming, antiparasitic around €200 per year.

# Taking out an insurance for your cat allows you to take care of costs as whole or as a  part of certain veterinary costs.

The amount of insurance is very variable and depends on the contract chosen from €60 to €700 per year.

# Added to these basic expenses are all unforeseen one-off veterinary costs.
The life expectancy of a purebred cat being more than ten years, it is important to question your ability to meet significant expenses. Veterinary costs can increase significantly when the cat advancing in age. The care or operations can then cost hundreds of euros.

# The purchase of dedicated equipment is done before adoption:

bowls, litter box, transport cage, brush, toys, baskets, scratching posts, nail clippers, high platforms (cat tree, etc.).

During the first year of living with a new cat an additional budget of €100 to €300 is to be expected to equip your environment.

# Finally, acquiring an animal involves a whole logistical organization. Departures on vacation can then be more problematic. So be sure to take your cat with you (some places accept animals) or find your cat a
care system during your absence (host family, home care, boarding).

As an indication, a day of boarding for a cat costs on average €20 to 40 €